There is no 'Adoptable storage' anywhere that I can find.

If I select the 'SD card' line it takes me to the folders that reside on the SD card. If this is selected it shows me what apps are installed, and when they are selected none show any facility for moving. If I select the 'Internal storage' line it takes me to summary's of what resides there including a selection 'Apps'. When I look in Settings\Storage & USB, it shows a line for 'Internal storage' and another under 'Portable storage' for the 'SD card' with an 'Eject' icon listed to the right.

There is no facility that I can find anywhere for it. I too have the above stated predicament of not being able to install or transfer already installed apps to the external SD storage card (64GB) in my new LG Stlyo 2 (Virgin Mobile) running Marshmallow 6.0.1.