Baldur gate dark alliance pc
Baldur gate dark alliance pc

In fact, the graphics have an almost muddy look – there’s no sign of 4K shininess – and the cutscenes, rendered in the game engine, look almost like a trip back to the year 2000 and the kind of stuff that was shown on my trusty old PS2. What this means from a graphical standpoint is that the game here doesn’t look like it would make an Xbox 360 sweat, let alone an Xbox Series X uber console.

baldur gate dark alliance pc baldur gate dark alliance pc baldur gate dark alliance pc

So, we’ve seen that the story and the reasons for us going to fight are all present and correct, but how about the rest of the gameplay experience? Well, if I had my “Glass half full” persona in place, I’d say that it stays true to the original game in all aspects, not just the narrative. From there, it’s the Elfsong Tavern that needs taking in, and after a brief chat with the bartender Alyth, we soon find ourselves sent into the cellars to clear out an infestation of rats, before heading out to uncover clues about the Thieves’ Guild, pursuing them to the logical conclusion – that of fighting a massive floating eyeball below a temple. With that out of the way, the adventure begins, and upon arriving in Baldur’s Gate we find ourselves attacked and robbed by the new Thieves’ Guild, only escaping with our lives due to the city watch arriving. You can forget your fancy character generator programs though as here you have a choice of three pre-set folk – Kromlech, a Dwarven fighter Vahn, a human archer and Adrianna, an Elven Sorceress.

baldur gate dark alliance pc

When you start the game, the first thing you have to decide is which character you are going to be. Now, what sort of game is Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance, I hear you cry? Well, I’m glad you asked, as the answer is a real-time hack and slash action role player one that is played from a third person overhead/isometric viewpoint.

Baldur gate dark alliance pc